Saturday, July 6, 2013

Napoleon receiving the keys to Vienna (1808)

Anne-Louis Girodet: Napoléon Receiving the Keys to Vienna 
at the Schloss Schönbrunn, 13 November 1805

This depicts an incident from Napoleon's 1805 Austrian campaign. Napoleon's victory in the Battle of Ulm led to the surrender of Vienna to his forces. A bulletin from the campaign relates the following:
The emperor has not yet received any of the authorities of Vienna, except a deputation of the different bodies of the city, who, on the day of his arrival, met him at Sigarts-Kirchen. They were composed of the Prince of Seuzendorf, the prelate of Seidenstetten, the Count of Veterani, the Baron of Kees, the Burgomaster of the city, M. de Wohebben, and General Burgeois.
His Majesty received them with much condescension, and told them they might assure the people of Vienna of his protection.
Girodet's painting is based on this incident. On the side of the Emperor are the Princes Murat and Neufchatel, Marshal Bessieres, and other officers. The background of the picture is a view of the entrance to Schönbrunn Palace. In the extreme distance, we see a splendid building, which is called  Gloriette.

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